Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The Role of America

America plays a large role in human trafficking. Most Americans were unaware but the United States is one of the leading countries in Human Trafficking destination. This means that although many slaves do not come from the United States, a vast majority of them are brought here to be sold and enslaved. This chart shows the countries of origin and destination. The dark blue and the light blue are countries with a high number of people brought into them to be enslaved. The countries in red and origin are countires of origin. This chart was taken from the website endexploitation.org a website that tries to bring awareness to the cause of Human Trafficking.
Why is it that America claims to be the leaders in civil liberties when in reality, our country is one of the least active governments in combating this problem?
America has instituted the T-VISA which allows people who have been rescued from human trafficking the ability to stay in the United States for a certain length of time as long as they cooperate with the district attorneys in prosecuting the 'johns' and the 'pimps'. This process can be downright humiliating and shameful for these women. Many East Asian and Middle Eastern cultures shame women who are not virgins when they are married. By forcing these women to recount their stories, they are often put in the position of being shunned by their families and their communities. This program also provides no counseling, no housing, and no safety net for these women who have been so entirely abused. Why then, does America claim that it can set the standard for all other countries?
America impliments the Tier system. Each year the government publishes a list of countries who don't meet the minimum standards for aggression against this human rights violation. Throughout the years, however, this list has turned into a list of people that America has as allies and people that America holds as enemies. For example, Denmark is on the First Tier, meaning there are no political or economic sanctions to this country despite the fact that they hold prostitution as a legal profession and do not combat illegal trafficking. Iran on the otherhand is a Tier 3, meaning it has fallen way below the minimum requirements for combating human trafficking, although Iran has one of the most innovative plans for attacking this problem head on. America lags way behind in enforcement of the law in this case, yet we continue to set the standard.
It doesn't seem right. What do you think?

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